The Crisis Caravan: Inter-agency coordination

“Interagency coordination is far from functional and effective – it will never work as long as agencies exist in such disparate ways and they have their own funding, programs, priorities, personalities. Territorial and personality battles take up far too much of my time. I have to constantly undertake delicate diplomacy to get things done – but where is the shared vision and clarity of purpose?! ‘One UN’ is a far-fetched fantasy as long as agencies continue to obsess over branding, turf-wars, and pissing contests.” –46yo male expat aid worker The Crisis Caravan:  Inter-agency coordination (updated 9-15) Q56 touches on what has been euphemistically called the “crisis caravan.”  The results below indicate that well over half (53%) of our respondents thought that there were frequent or even constant problems related to inter-agency coordination and cooperation. Here’s the data on Q56:   Yeah, well, yawn. The world is a complex mess and, of direct relevance to … Continue reading The Crisis Caravan: Inter-agency coordination